Broadcast Pix Customer Testimonials

Share your user experience with Broadcast Pix!

Tell us about your video productions and favorite features so we can share them with the Broadcast Pix community. We look forward to hearing from you.

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    What Broadcast Pix system(s) do you own:

    “We can do things we just couldn’t do before, and we have the freedom to think creatively and improve our production values.”

    Miles Larsen, Public Broadcasting Manager, City of Sarasota

    “We love the multiple layer graphics control”

    Jamason Chen, Manager of Technology, Loyola University Chicago

    “The price point and the functionality of the Broadcast Pix were right up our alley.”

    Stephen Barnes, PGTV producer, Polk County Government TV

    “I was really impressed with the green screen capabilities of the system, which in many ways works better than what we had with Adobe Premiere.”

    Gavin MacRoberts, Public Information Specialist and Content Producer , FayTV, the government access channel for the City of Fayetteville, N.C.

    “It was very important to me that we have the 2 M/E experience without the cost of a 2 M/E switcher. It works great, we absolutely love it.”

    Dave Abbey, Media Director, Calvary Chapel Modesto

    “The quality jumped immensely. People love it, and the city is very happy with it. Broadcast Pix was my first choice, there was no question about it. It simply works the best for our needs.”

    Steve Russo, Director of Operations, NewTV

    “The meetings look really good on cable and the Web. They look professional – they don’t look like how you would typically think government access looks. It’s a combination of the new HD channel and the Broadcast Pix.”

    Marty Doll, Communications Coordinator, Burnsville Community Television