Photo courtesy of MRHS
This fall, students all over the country are taking on new challenges as schools re-open for the 2020-2021 school year. Although school re-opening plans vary by Districts and States, most schools have chosen a hybrid approach of both in-person and at home learning to ensure the safety of their staff and students. Masks and other CDC guidelines are now part of the general curriculum but it’s the use of technology that is enabling students to stay socially distanced and yet connected and informed.
A great example of a school that is embracing technology to enable this hybrid model is Monomoy Regional High School (MRHS) in Harwich, Massachusetts who are back to producing their morning TV show with a student-run crew.
The MRHS daily video announcements are produced using a Broadcast Pix integrated production system in the school’s TV studio, and aired throughout the school and on their website. The team recorded their first show of the semester on Monday, September 28th, with the production team in the studio and the announcer connecting to the system from home via the internet.
These talented students prove that even during a pandemic, the show can go on, socially distanced, safely from home. Well done!
Watch the MRHS-TV show video >>>
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