Chelmsford, Mass. – Feb. 4, 2020 – Imagine growing your online audience without an additional effort, well now you can with RadioPix™ integrated production systems. The intelligence behind RadioPix is Broadcast Pix’s uniquely powerful macros, making it the easiest to use visual radio solution on the market today.
RadioPix works by utilizes the power of Media Aware Macros through voice-automation, effectively turning your radio station’s host into video producer. Simply by talking, your talent’s voice can trigger camera moves, switching, the recall of graphics, and the playing of stills and clips to create automatic yet dynamic live programming.
Best yet, macros are easy to create, save and recall at the touch of a button.

RadioPix will ensure that your live programming is stress-free to produce, has a consistent look to support your unique brand, and avoids costly operator mistakes. What could be easier?
To learn more about how RadioPix’s macros enable fully automated visual radio, click here.