System supports creation of dynamic visual content

by Radio World Magazine

– May 3, 2022 – Broadcast Pix, founded in 2002, offers toolsets that are used by broadcast government, live event and other specialty businesses. Graham Sharp is CEO. He spoke with Radio World about why more and more stations are implementing visual elements and technologies into their workflow.

Broadcast Pix RadioPix Visual Radio Production Systems

Radio World: You describe RadioPix as “the complete system for visual radio” — tell us more.

Graham Sharp: RadioPix systems come complete with everything your station needs to start creating dynamic visual radio content, including two RoboPix cameras — simple to install and compatible with radio automation software, Axia and Wheatstone consoles. You can start streaming great images of your radio show in minutes.

RW: Briefly, what sets it apart?

Sharp: Behavioral intelligence automates the production process, using voice-detection to ensure all your shows look dynamic and interesting. When audio is detected from a microphone through either the analog or Dante interface, media aware macros can be triggered to change camera positions, roll clips and animations, add or remove titles, and even execute sophisticated compositions.

It’s loaded with relevant content, such as clips, stills and graphics templates. The system can store 60 hours of content, so there’s plenty of space for your own content as well.

RadioPix can be used to start broadcasting and streaming straight out of the box, but two hours of consultation support is included to assist in importing the station ID, build the look and program the behavioral intelligence.

With full streaming capabilities and access to your own secure, cloud-based media management portal, you can reach a wider audience with online video and stream to Facebook Live, YouTube Live, IBM, Livestream or any CDN with a RTMP address.

RW: What trends have you seen in how stations are using this kind of tool?

Sharp: More and more radio stations are streaming their shows, driving more interest and creating new sources of revenue through sponsorship and advertising opportunities.

RW: Are there misconceptions you’d like to dispel?

Sharp: Streaming video is not complicated with RadioPix, which is very easy to set up and use. And it can be controlled by the host using a configurable touchscreen user interface or any kind of MIDI controller, such as a foot switch.


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